Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!! (Hopefully)

It has been awhile since I have made a post! Honestly, I have been very very BUSY!!! Currently I am in the process of booking some upcoming sessions, remodeling my new office, working full time! Unfortunately, since I am just breaking through I have not yet been able to do Photography full time! Balancing time for my hobby/future career is a difficult task. Along with being a full time wife, and all other responsibilities that I have! In addition, Winter has caught up to me making me not want to do anything!! But, I am working hard to overcome that. I am very excited that the past couple of mornings, the sun is shining when I wake up. Birds are chirping, and a for sure sign that spring is just around the corner!!

I have done some around the house just at random shots, to keep me entertained. Because it is a little slow during the winter! Last week was my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary and I was able to take some shots of them renewing there vows! It was precious and I will have the session posted on here as well as Facebook soon. There are two other sessions that I have planned within the coming weeks and am very excited about both!! Just a reminder while your doing some spring cleaning remember to change the frames in your home out! No better way to re-decorate and also make some family memories to treasure. Keep an eye out for the upcoming sessions! AAP

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Emma Children Lifestyle Session

Emma is my youngest cousin (I know I have alot!) we spent the entire weekend together. It was very fun! She is an amazing, smart, beautiful. almost three year old and she made me laugh the entire weekend! Here are just a few shots we took while playing in the snow and with Gracie.


So, everyone knows that it snowed at least five inches last week. Most people in Louisville freak out when it snows!! Of course this time wasn't any different there were over 500 wrecks, people buy everything from the groceries, It's crazy! But, to me everything about snow is beautiful. The way everything goes silent while it is falling from the sky, the world seems to be still and quiet. It sparkles in the sun, and makes everything so beautiful. Sunday the sun was shining and it was amazing. The way it caught the light on the trees, and ground was amazing. Here are my little snapshots.

Katie Senior Session

Katie is my cousin. Our birthdays are three years and one day apart. She is a senior at Fairdale High School, she plans to go into the Army after graduation. She has her world ahead of her. It has been amazing to watch her learn and grow into the beautiful young woman that she has become throughout the years. I am so proud of her and honored that she requested me to do her senior pictures. We shared alot of laughs during the day! It was very cold!! But the lighting was PERFECT!! She looked amazing! Here are some of the shots from her session! Enjoy! AAP

Dominique Senior Session

 Dominique is a Senior at The Brown, and has been accepted to Harvard!! She is a truly compassionate and caring person. A very talented and amazing young lady. She has so many extra-curicular activites Karate, Pennies for peace, School,family. I couldn't even begin to list them all. Her session was very fun. Here are some of my favorite shots from the day.

Jeremy Lifestyle Session

Jeremy is my younger brother, Being the only sibling that I have we spent alot of time together. He is now approaching the end of his junior year at Doss High school, It's hard to believe that he is about to graduate, It seems like just yesterday that he was born and we were sharing a room, and I was telling my mom, "Please take him back!" When I first bought my camera I was so anxious to use it, My brother was my first actual client we sent the day at the park. It was sunny and a perfect fall day. Here are some of the shots of the day.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A little about Allison Anderson Photography

Hi, Everyone! I am super excited about the new blog and website that are both still under construction, so you will just have to try and bear with me, for a little while (please!) I am still trying to get things under control. I just wanted to establish this for my clients to view my most recent work, thoughts, ideas, and plans for the future of Allison Anderson Photography and in order to do so; I thought it would be nice to share a little information about me! So here goes!

My name is Allison Anderson. I am twenty one years old, married to the most amazing man, who makes me incredibly happy. We have a house we just recently purchased which is a daily opportunity to grow and change. Two dogs, Ruby and Gracie. I love reality T.V. (I know!) Decorating my home, Photography, Gardening, Sunny days, Summer time, Any lake, Shopping, Fourth of July, Dates with my husband, Walking our puppies Spending time with family and friends, and just all together trying new things and living life to the fullest.

About a year ago, I begin really praying for God to guide me in the direction he felt my life would be focused towards, at first I went through several different field descriptions and have tried quite a few positions for my age. Nothing ever seemed to fulfill me and make me completely happy. A lot of people thing that a Job is a Job in my eyes that is not true at all. You can have a job that you get paid for that can make you happy and doesn’t even feel like work. I have not always known exactly what I have wanted to do with my life as a matter of fact have flip flopped around for over three years with the idea of it and struggled immensely. I have always loved pictures; ask any of my family, or friends. I would take dozens of pictures with friends, on vacation, church trips, anything at random. I cut them out, posted them all over my room, and framed them. Photos make me happy, they are a moment frozen in time, and bring an ability to bring back the memories, feelings, and emotion of the day or exact time. I absolutely adore the fact that I have been blessed with I feel what is a talent to capture that and bring those feelings my clients!! That’s just a little about me for now, I hope that you have enjoyed. I have posted some examples of some of my work at the end of this blog and will start updating individual sessions as soon as possible! Thanks a ton!!
